PHP Backend Web Development Project

Launched Dec. 2020

Updated Jan. 2022


  • Backend Web Development
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Database Development
  • Forms, Calculators
  • Daily Content

PHP Finale was a complex, quarter-long project that taught me a great deal about PHP and back end web development. I built calculators, validated user input, created forms, used databases both for dynamic kitten content and user management, and used CSS to make the whole thing user friendly and colorful.

Webpage displaying daily coffee, in this case iced tea, using PHP to dynamically change content.

I recently updated it to make the project mobile friendly and more streamlined, upgrading the code and removing distractions, and making the site easier to navigate. If you'd like to poke around, check out the live site at PHP Finale, or view my code on GitHub.

Mobile version of a mileage calculator form that checks for input errors, then displays information.

List of Features

  • Contact form with input validation, saved input, and emailed data
  • Kitten gallery
  • Artist portfolio and contact form using databases and validation
Webpage displaying art and links to other pages for an artist blog. Login required.
  • Daily art challenges, best practices, and daily coffee
  • Currency conversion form, and mileage calculator
  • Responsive (device friendly) design
  • Dinosaur database integration and detail page made with SQL and PHP
Web page showing dinosaur information and images using PHP and SQL to connect a database.
  • User login and registration database integration and secure forms
  • Lots of styles, with multiple mobile friendly designs
  • PHP variables, arrays, includes, and functions, including randomImages() and makeNav()
Website showing various kitten pictures and text displayed using PHP and with a random kitten shown on the side.

There's a lot to look at, so feel free to poke around on whatever device you prefer!

Thanks for checking out my project!

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Thanks for checking out my work! If you've got a project or job you think suits me, contact me here, by email, or on LinkedIn.

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